Change. Make it Right. Then, make it Better.


It’s my job to help you and your teams spiral up, shine brighter and embrace change that will keep you, your people, and the planet prosperous and healthy. Each solution leads to success, sometimes the choice is about timing, let’s talk about that.



It’s not tedious or slow. Spiral up together using a style that mixes system, vision, and directive coaching.



It’s not about telling you what you already know. Spiral up using my experience and skills to lead on change you want others to follow.



It’s not a waste of your time. Spiral up by adding to your skill set in a way you can affect change.

Successfully delivering human centred change since 2004

Nina has spent over 20 years delivering global complex change projects for several FTSE 100 companies. She developed a method called "A human approach to innovation and change" in 2004 and recently, while studying with the Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leaders (CISL), evolved that method to support individuals and businesses who want to align their values with their actions in tackling climate change.

Nina's business change focus has always been people, planet and prosperity for all. Nina has a post grad in Strategic Leadership, graduated from the CISL and Meyler Campbell, has a BA (hons) in Business Studies, and is a member of the Climate Coaching Alliance. Her book "99 steps to transform your business" was published by Hodder. Her new book, Change. Make it right. Then, do it better. Will be published later this year.

Experience: Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) / New Product Development (NPD) / Supply Chain / Business Evaluation / Change Visioning / Engagement / Adoption / Business Process Re-engineering / Third Party Relationship Management / Communication and Training Strategies / Team Leadership / Benefits Realisation / ROI / Enterprise Systems Implementation / Stakeholder Management to ‘C’ Level / Project Recovery/ Manufacturing / FMCG / Retail / Sustainability / ESG / Climate Change / Circular Economy


How to turn oh no into Aha

No-one really knows how many thoughts a person has in a day, but those who have tried to study it, come up with eye watering numbers, thousands to tens of thousands! According to the National Science Foundation, 80% of our thoughts are negative and 95% of our thoughts are repetitive. That seems like a waste of our brainpower. How do we change those negative, repetitive thoughts into something more useful and positive?

Can we shift the balance of power in a VUCA world?

We are living in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) world, and it’s easy to feel like we can’t possibly shift the balance of power. This feeling does destabilise and make us feel anxious. It can sap motivation, increase the chances of making bad decisions, or paralyse decision-making processes. What can we do about that?

Learn to determine your own mindset

Our mindset comes from everything that has happened to us, all our experiences, everything that someone said to us and all the messages we have been exposed to – it’s a mind-blowing amount of data. It’s not just everything we have absorbed, it’s also the way we stored it. Did we store it with happy feelings, sadness, fear, excitement, jealously, gratitude or one of the other feelings that we are open to?

I agree with Serena Williams, retirement isn’t a modern word

Serena doesn’t have to do the maths on whether she can or can’t financially retire, which is where most retirement conversations end up, her focus is on what this moment in her life means to her. She is expressing her feelings and emotions about leaving a sport that she loves and has dominated her adult life so far and where she goes from here, her transition.

Would you choose to upload?

They say that life imitates art, and we can learn our future from Sci-fi, something that I thought continually when watching the Amazon Prime video series, Upload. I missed this when it was released in 2020, pre–Facebook’s Meta-universe, Horizon Worlds (I think). Now I am hooked finding out just how our digital afterlife can be monetised and how the lure of never saying goodbye to your loved ones pulls at your heartstrings. It’s compelling watching for so many reasons.

Looking forward to visiting the coastline?

Dipping your toes in the water, or perhaps going for a swim? Looking forward to having a seafood or fish lunch or dinner?

The Oceans and Seas that we love to visit face significant challenges; coastal erosion, rising sea levels, warmer and more acidic waters, marine pollution, overexploitation of fish stocks and decrease of marine biodiversity. Following a week of discussions and events in Lisbon, Portugal, the UN Ocean Conference concluded on Friday, with governments and heads of state agreeing on a new political declaration to Save Our Ocean.

“Nina seems to have acquired a strong understanding of my character and motivational drivers which I found very impressive.”
Tom Silvester – Manager - Americas Advisory, EY

Tom Silvester – Manager - Americas Advisory, EY

Who I’ve worked with

Spot your company name? No, let’s change that! Spot your company name and you don’t know me? Let’s change that too! Give me a call.

PZ Cussons
Spirax Sarco
Royal Bank of Scotland
Walgreens Boots Alliance
Design Council
John West
Manchester Creative & Media Academy
Seal Films
Access Point
Baker Hughes
Transform Your Business (99 Steps To Achieve Success), by Nina Dar

Business transformation is about joining the dots. It’s knowing what you want your business to achieve tomorrow while being honest about what it’s achieving today. It’s a map that everyone in the business can read, so they can see what they are accountable for and what the rules are that dictate if they have got there or not. It’s science and magic.

Get in touch

There are a lot of psychological factors that come into play when delivering change; trust, confidence and the most basic but most important; can we work together? Does that chemistry exist between us to deliver what you need? There is only one way to find out.

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