
These stories take 5 minutes or less to read. Enough time to give you a mental break from what you are doing and focus on something else, perhaps with a coffee, buttie or glass of wine depending on the time of day. If you are inspired to add to the story please do via Twitter or LinkedIn, looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

How to turn oh no into Aha
Can we shift the balance of power in a VUCA world?

Can we shift the balance of power in a VUCA world?

We are living in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) world, and it’s easy to feel like we can’t possibly shift the balance of power. This feeling does destabilise and make us feel anxious. It can sap motivation, increase the chances of making bad decisions, or paralyse decision-making processes. What can we do about that?

Understanding Life Cycles is Naturally Sustainable

Understanding Life Cycles is Naturally Sustainable

Life cycles are real things. All living things have them. We are born, we live and we die. It is strange then that in the world of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) projects, people rarely mention the actual life cycle of the products or of everything else connected to the products.

Where does your Supply Chain End?

Where does your Supply Chain End?

The things we eat, the things we use, the things all around our homes come from somewhere. Do you really know where though? Do you know where the components in the computer you are using right now started life? Probably not. The answer might surprise you.

Try and be Forever Curious

Try and be Forever Curious

How many times do we make a decision based on nothing but our better judgement? We assume we'll hate a certain place, film or that dish of squid in its ink as it looks so awful! And yet, when we let our curiousity win, we can be pleasantly surprised! 

How can you change the world?

How can you change the world?

A few years ago there was a great post on the Amnesty International website written by Jessie Mawson, called 10 ways you can change the world today. The 10 things were easy and common sense and I remember thinking that we really do forget how easy it is to change the world. I am recycling Jessies list here, so we can remind ourselves and start ticking them off.

“Nina has the skills and knowledge required to get companies such as ourselves to think differently.”
Nick Farrimond – Director, Seal Films

Nick Farrimond – Director, Seal Films

“Nina has been a fantastic advocate of the UpRising charity’s work, delivering inspiring and impactful sessions on leadership and conflict management.”
Victoria Turnbull – North Regional Programme Manager, Uprising

Victoria Turnbull – North Regional Programme Manager, Uprising

Could you win Gold as a corporate Olympian?

Could you win Gold as a corporate Olympian?

I can spend hours daydreaming about being an Olympian, remembering what it was like to throw a javelin (teachers running for cover), perfect a Fosbury Flop (set at a record 3m), knock every single hurdle down and break your friend's foot with your best shotput.

What happens when you aren’t in the majority?

What happens when you aren’t in the majority?

June 24th 2016 will go down in history as the day when slightly over half the UK population voted to leave the European Union in a misguided attempt to take back what the Brexiters sold them as some sort of Holy Grail of Soverignty and Control. The other (almost) half, were not fooled. Europe will be divided, the UK already is. What can we do to work towards a more integrated world? 

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